I’m now well and truly won over

“I was initially sceptical but after a few sessions with Gillian I’m now well and truly won over… it works! I faced my operation in a rational, calm way.”*
J.L., Hertfordshire

A wonderful testimonial from a satisfied client. If you suffer from anxiety of any kind, I can help.

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy in Hertfordshire

What do you REALLY want to change about yourself?

Does stress or anxiety consume your life to the detriment of work, friends and family?

Do you have a constant fear of impending doom even though you’re not sure what you’re actually worried about?

Freedom of choice is a right not a privilege and Behavioural Freedom will free you from the unwanted behaviour that stops you from doing the things you want to do.

I will equip you with the tools you need to positively and permanently change your behaviour using evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (CBH).

  • Completely remove anxiety, tension and stress from your life
  • Dramatically increase your confidence and self-esteem
  • Become more assertive and independent
  • Change or control your unwanted habits
  • Improve your personal sales performance
  • Increase your creativity and self-expression
  • Move forward, remove your barriers and be who YOU want to be

Grounded firmly in modern neuroscience, CBH combines Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with hypnosis. It is recognised by the British Medical Association, the American Medical Association and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence as a safe, highly effective and incredibly relaxing experience that has the power to relieve you of the barriers stopping you from doing all the things you’d like to do but for whatever reason, can’t.

You feel stressed, anxious or overwhelmed when the demands made on you are seemingly greater than your ability to cope. All of us at one time or another will suffer from stress or anxiety but Behavioural Freedom will put you firmly back in control of your overworked mind and affect positive, lasting change.

How I Treat Anxiety

At Behavioural Freedom, I use a skills-based model for treating anxiety. During our sessions, I will teach you relaxation techniques and helpful ways in which you can fundamentally and positively change the way you behave, think and act. It’s also important to note here that you can’t be stressed or suffer from anxiety when you are in a relaxed state. The skills you’ll learn during your time with me will be vital to both your on-going treatment and perhaps more so as you leave my care.

A combination of Applied Relaxation and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is considered by the British Medical Journal to be one of the most effective therapies to alleviate anxiety and put you on a path to having a positive mind-set and being able to live life to the fullest, free of worries. By combining both and adding in the element of hypnosis, I believe this is the most effective, pragmatic and relevant approach to the treatment of anxiety.

Please contact me today to start the journey back to behavioural freedom.