Hypnotherapy for IBS Borehamwood

Hypnotherapy for IBS Borehamwood Treatment aims to teach clients the necessary skills to control and help normalise the gut function by lowering the levels of anxiety, lowering the perception of pain and discomfort and by directing positive images to the gut. I have been extensively trained in gut-directed hypnotherapy which follows the therapy developed by […]

Flying Phobia Borehamwood

Phobias A phobia is an anxiety disorder where you have a deep-rooted, irrational fear of something that generally speaking poses little or no threat to you, such as – Situational Phobias such as Flying phobia, Confined Spaces phobia, Driving phobia, Dentists phobia, Bridges & Tunnels phobia Natural/Environmental Phobias such as Storms, Thunder, Water, Dark, Heights […]

From Acarophobia to Zelotypophobia…

You may have acarophobia – a fear of itching – or zelotypophobia – a fear of jealousy. Irrational they may be, but for sufferers of phobias – described as anxiety disorders where you have a deep-rooted fear of something that generally speaking poses little or no threat – you face a debilitating life from which […]

Look into my eyes…

When we hear the word ‘hypnotist’, it conjures up images of Matt Lucas’s obnoxious, charmless character Kenny Craig in Little Britain. You know the one, ‘look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don’t look around my eyes…’ To some, hypnotists sit at the same table as astrologers and mediums, essentially […]

The True Cost of Smoking – Is It Worth It?

Smoking is revolting. There’s no debate about that and smokers know it. It’s smelly, it’s now highly antisocial, it doesn’t satisfy your thirst or hunger and contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t relax you. In fact it does the opposite. You get a very short, two-minute burst of dopamine (the chemical in your brain that […]

Do We All Suffer From Social Anxiety?

Just what is social anxiety? Some say it’s just an excuse we make up when we don’t want to do something. Some say just take some pills and you’ll be fine. Some say it’s not even a real thing, just get on with it and stop making a fuss. Our advice is ‘don’t listen to […]

Are 20% of women anxious ‘most of the time?’

In a survey published at the beginning of May by the Mental Health Foundation charity, 22% of women are preoccupied with ‘everyday worries’. We all have worries or concerns about everyday things, the things we take for granted a lot of the time – money, our relationships, our children and our jobs – but the […]

Welcome to my first blog!

Welcome to the first blog from Behavioural Freedom’s new website. Coming up in the next weeks and months, I will be keeping you informed, updated and hopefully entertained as to what’s happening in the business as well as in the broader world of Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy. In addition, I’ll be giving you tips, hints and […]